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Rustic Moment (Rustic #3) by Nic Starr

Rustic Moment - Nic Starr, Book Cover By Design


“Love comes to those who least expect it, who still believe in love after they have been betrayed and who still love after they've been hurt.” ~ Rashida Rowe


Grant, of 'Rustic Moment' by Nic Starr, takes a trip back to see his best friend, Ty. He's had a rough time lately and needs the comfort and support only Ty can offer; Ty doesn't let him down, welcoming him with a huge hug and lots of compassion. While he's there, he meets Dave, a “large—six foot two inches of Aussie country boy, tanned and muscled and a little bit wild.” Grant usually steers clear of large men, but there's no mistaking the attraction between him and Dave.

Even though Grant is heartbroken and cynical, he has still not entirely given up on love. Seeing Ty and Mac together only enforces his ache inside wanting a loving relationship. Grant is not expecting to meet someone like Dave. His infectious smile, openness and honesty warm Grant's heart. While there, they become friends, with Grant's interest growing all the time. Grant realizes that they have more in common than he thought. When they go to Dave's house, Grant sees all the work Dave has done by himself. Grant is astounded not only by the quality of workmanship, but with Dave's grasp on innovative design and great sense of style. During the conversation, Grant learns that Dave intends to sell the house and move out of the small town and to Melbourne, where Dave lives. Dave has already got some jobs lined up in the city. As a courtesy, Grant offers Dave a place to stay until he gets settled, not necessarily expecting anything to come of it.

Grant goes back home to pick up the pieces, not only of his business, but of his heart as well. Because of the damage done by his partner and his ex, his business is almost in ruins. When Dave turns up at his door, taking up Grant's offer to stay with him, Grant is happy, but is so emotionally tied up, he can't follow through on his feelings for Dave, even though he does seem perfect for him. Grant has never had anyone to depend upon but himself. Even with Dave there to at least listen, Grant keeps his issues to himself, leaving Dave in the dark. When Grant puts the house up for sale without even mentioning it, Dave is furious. Grant has lied to him and Dave doesn't know if he can forgive him.

This is my favorite of all the ‘Rustic’ stories. Nic did a wonderful job of getting down to the heart of the matter with each character and I was in deep with the emotions. I loved Dave and knew he was exactly what Grant needed to get over his insecurities and believe in himself. I was frustrated, but could identify with Grant's feelings, hearing his father's voice in his head telling him he'd never amount to anything. Although Grant had accomplished so much, it would never be enough to silence that hateful declaration in his head. It's hard to watch someone suffer when the solution is right in front of them, but that's how I felt about Grant. I also knew that even though those around him told him otherwise, until he believed it, nothing would change. If you're a fan of the series, you will appreciate Grant's story. If you are new to the series, you may enjoy this book on its own, but the experience will be much more enjoyable if you start with the first book and read all the way through. Thanks, Nic, for a great read!




Source: http://www.rainbowbookreviews.com/book-reviews/rustic-moment-rustic-3-by-nic-starr


Double Scoop (With A Kick Book 8) - Clare London




“Sometimes things have to go wrong in order to go right.” ~ Denise Tinsley

Patrick, of 'Double Scoop' by Clare London, is terrified when his business partner and best friend, Lee, is injured in an explosion. Patrick becomes intensely aware of how much Lee means to him and how awful he would feel if he were to lose him. The accident lowers Patrick's walls of self-deprecation just long enough to give Lee an idea of just how precious he is to Patrick, but once he knows Lee is going to be all right, Patrick withdraws again, diminishing the importance of their encounter, leaving Lee hurt and confused.

Even though the shop is damaged, all is not lost. Patrick has more friends than he ever realized and they all have their own special talents and expertise to help get things up and running again. Bryan, Patrick's accountant and best friend, with his accounting skills starts planning on ways to help financially. Brian’s partner, Phiz, and his former roommate Curtis, get busy making posters and getting the word out about the shop being closed temporarily. Eddy, the actor, has lots of connections and starts planning fundraisers. His partner, Nuri, a law student, helps with the legal stuff, while enlisting his many relatives who are carpenters and tradesmen of all sorts, to pitch in as well. Mic and his boyfriend Rob are there to offer their assistance; Rob brings his entire hockey team with them. David and Stan, and Riley and Curtis, are there too along with lots of other helpers, some of whom Patrick didn't even know. Even with all the help, it's a struggle to get everything done.

During the renovation, Patrick and Lee's relationship becomes even more strained. Gone are the days of laughing and joking, easy touches and smiles. Everything is stiff, uncertain, and up in the air. In the name of doing what Patrick thinks is best for Lee, he is oblivious to how much he's hurting him with his thoughtless words and actions. Lee keeps hoping Patrick will open up and let him know how he really feels, but he doesn't. All their friends can see that Patrick and Lee obviously care deeply for each other, but they can only stand by and watch, hoping they will eventually confront the “elephant in the room”. Otherwise Patrick and Lee will miss out on what could be true happiness.

I've been waiting for Patrick and Lee's story although I feared there would be problems. I wanted to knock some sense into them both. Patrick whose reasoning about being too old and not right for Lee was ridiculous, and Lee, although he tried to take the first step, should have demanded to know what Patrick was feeling. Bringing all the previous characters together to help Patrick and Lee created a great opportunity to review relationships between them. For those who haven't read the series, I suggest starting at the beginning and reading all the way through. Thanks, Clare, for finally getting Patrick and Lee together and for all the other eccentric, zany, wonderful characters contained in the 'With a Kick' series. A special thanks, as well, to Sue Brown for your outstanding contributions to the series. For awesome stories with humor, sex, angst, entertainment, and love, I can't imagine a better writing team than Clare and Sue!

The 13th Hex by Jordan L. Hawk

The 13th Hex: A Hexworld Short Story - Jordan L. Hawk

Hexman Dominic Kopecky doesn’t understand why dashing crow familiar Rook wants his help investigating murder by patent hex. For one thing, Dominic isn’t a witch. For another, the case is already closed—and someone is willing to kill to keep it that way.

When Dominic Kopecky, of 'The Thirteenth Hex' by Jordan L. Hawk, was young, he took the required tests to learn if he had magic but he failed the tests. His parents were elated since they didn't want him to have magical abilities. Dominic was disappointed, but not defeated. He takes a job as a hexman, working with the police, drawing hexes for witches employed in the force. When a handsome familiar named Rook appears at his desk, asking for help with a case, Dominic is baffled but anxious for an opportunity to be of service. However, it seems Rook is interested in far more than Dominic helping him with a crime.

There is a lot going on in this short murder mystery. Jordan chooses her words wisely for the best effect as she maneuvers through Rook and Dominic's business and personal interests, all the while dropping clues that Rook may have another motive in asking for Dominic's help. I'm familiar with most things magical; but someone who isn’t might be a confused. However, Jordan does an excellent job of explaining terms like hex, familiar, and bonded familiar and witch. If you like stories with magic, hexes, witches, familiars, and a murder mystery to boot, you may enjoy this tale. Thanks, Jordan! Keep the magic coming.



Source: http://www.rainbowbookreviews.com/book-reviews/the-13th-hex-hexworld-05-by-jordan-l-hawk

Prince of the Playhouse (Love in Laguna Book 3) ... Tara Lain

Prince of the Playhouse - Tara Lain

“Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are.” ~ Niccolo Machiavelli, 'The Prince'

Ru Maitland, of 'Prince of the Playhouse' by Tara Lain, is stunned when he receives an offer to design costumes for a local production of Hamlet. Historical costumes are not his forte, but when he discovers that Hamlet will be played by Gray Anson, an actor he's had a mad crush on forever, there's no way he can turn it down. Ru can't foresee the turmoil that occurs when he is placed in the limelight, right along with Gray, or how much it will change both their lives.

Ru has fantasized about Gray for a long time. The thought of actually being able to not only meet but also to touch him, is almost more than he can handle. Because of his shady past, Ru's interaction with other men is limited. Ru is talented and smart and far more self-sufficient than he appears, but the fear of being discovered for what he is always lies just beneath the surface just waiting to ooze out and destroy his present. Ru has worked hard to put his past behind him and has reinvented himself into the competent designer he is today. Without Shaz's help, he never would have been able to do it. Shaz gives him not only praise but also acceptance and love. Shaz believed in him when no one else did and continues to do so. Ru may be successful, but he's insecure about everything except his designing; he has worked extremely hard to get to the point he's at. The last thing Ru needs is for something to happen to make it all come crashing down. When he has a chance encounter with someone from his past, Ru unknowingly makes an enemy out of him and that threatens to unravel all Ru has worked so hard to achieve.

Ru's idol, Gray Anson, is not what he seems to be. Being a sex symbol to millions of fans keeps Gray in the closet, stifling his personality, misrepresenting his identity, and dimming his creativity. Gray wants to do Hamlet to prove he is more than an action figure. He wants to prove he can actually act, but he's over his head. Stage acting is far different from movies. Gray has been living a lie so long his priorities are all out of order. He's attracted to Ru from the start, but, instead of being able to be himself and follow his feelings, he inadvertently makes Ru a boy toy of sorts, hiding their relationship and pretending to be straight including having women in his life. After what Ru has been through, he doesn't deserve to be treated this way. Ru still has the idea that he's not a good person and being thrust into the background does nothing to help him feel better about himself. Yet, trooper that he is, Ru navigates through all the disappointments and difficulties with as much class as he can muster.

There are a lot of story lines in this book and it's impossible to fit them all into this review. It's predominantly Ru's story—how he got where he is now, details about his past, problems caused by his past and, of course, his relationship with Gray. Ru was so jerked around by Gray's indecision and lack of support that it was hard for me to forgive Gray, but if Ru can forgive him, I guess I can too. Learning about his past life was heartbreaking, but enlightening at the same time. The knowledge of what he'd been through gave me a new respect for him that I didn't have before. Ru is such a wonderfully complex character: flamboyant, talented, definitely not what he appears to be on so many levels. The largest danger of living a lie is that you are never completely become the person you are meant to be. It's only when the truth comes out that you can live an honest and productive life. Thanks, Tara, for giving Ru his happy ending.



Source: http://www.rainbowbookreviews.com/book-reviews/prince-of-the-playhouse-love-in-laguna-3-by-tara-lain-at-dreamspinner-press

'The Raod to Amazing' by Brent Hartinger

The Road to Amazing (Russel Middlebrook: The Futon Years) (Volume 3) - Brent Hartinger

“Amazement awaits us at every corner.” ~  James Broughton

After all of the experiences they've had over the last ten years, Russel and Kevin, of 'The Road to Amazing’ by Brent Hartinger, are ready to take the next step in commitment and be married. They want the wedding weekend and the ceremony to be perfect, with everything happening just as it should - but as everyone knows, things don't always turn out exactly perfect regardless of how well we've planned.

Russel is trying his best not to ruin the mood by overthinking everything and looking for trouble when it isn't there. Kevin is usually the positive one who sees a silver lining in whatever may happen. It's an odd situation for both of them. Russel isn't worried about Kevin not loving him enough to marry him, but he is concerned because Kevin seems to be convinced something awful is going to happen to ruin everything. It's hard to solve a problem when you don't know what it is. There's a vague feeling of something out of place, but Russel is not sure what it is. He just knows he feels different, not quite himself and uncomfortably detached from Kevin. But it's not only Kevin's negativity that bothers him, it's also all of their friends who are invited for a long weekend.

As the weekend proceeds, and things start going wrong, Russel's faith that everything will turn out right begins to wane. Even though the people in the group are all very different, they are Russel and Kevin's friends for a reason. They have always been there for them. Through introspection, each member of the group accompanies Russel and Kevin on this amazing journey, remembering an important saying: the destination is not as important as what is learned on the journey itself. This is what changes us and help us grow. As the weekend goes on, the group faces several obstacles that are overcome by teamwork and a real desire to make this weekend as wonderful as they can for their good friends.

There is so much character growth that takes place in this story, not only for Russel and Kevin, but for everyone there with them. Everyone takes something positive from the experience, something they had struggled with beforehand that will hopefully help them in the future. With a bond such as Russel and Kevin's, I don't think they will have much of a problem finding something amazing in their lives together. Thanks, Brent, for a great, introspective story, helping me remember that the possibility of finding something amazing may be right around the corner.





Source: http://www.rainbowbookreviews.com/book-reviews/the-road-to-amazing-russell-middlebrook-the-futon-years-3-by-brent-hartinger-at-bk-books

Eye of Scota (Dalriata I) by Serena Yates

Eye of Scota: Cináed - Serena Yates

When you discover information diametrically opposed to what you have always been taught, do you stick to what you have always believed or do you follow your newly realized feelings in order to promote positive change? Most of us would probably choose the path of least resistance and leave things as they are. However, Cináed, healer/priest/warrior, in 'Eye of Scota' by Serena Yates, is faced with this dilemma and chooses to take the high road and initiate the changes necessary to make his world a better place.

Although Cináed is a priest, he has warrior training as well and that places him in a unique position. The special stones used by priests to facilitate healing are running out of energy. Desperate for more stones, the High Priest sends Cináed, hoping he will be more successful than the warrior expeditions in the past; none of them have ever returned. During his journey to the Eye, the sacred circle where new healing stones are to be found, Cináed encounters spaceship captain Tadeo who has been attacked by a bear and managed to survive. Cináed stays with the man and heals him. In their time together, the men realize that besides their strong physical connection, they also have an energy connection that the testy oracle at the sacred circle shows them by images and memories of the “old ways” when each man touches it. The oracle finally speaks, explaining that they have a bond that enables them to accomplish great things, as long as they do it together. The oracle demonstrates by having Cináed and Tadeo simultaneously touch an almost-depleted stone. When the stone comes to life, both men are amazed. The oracle tells them they don't have to gather new stones, that the ones they have can be “rejuvenated” by two men bonded together. They know that it won't be easy to change minds but they go back to the city Gael with their newly discovered information, even knowing that it will surely be rejected.

As expected, they are met with opposition at every turn, especially by the priests who are currently in power and want to stay that way. Even Cináed's own father calls him an abomination and aids his enemies in order to defeat his son. It's not just the bonding of two men that has the priests in an uproar. Apparently, the old ways were more tolerant, fair, and equal. The idea of the common people having access to what is considered basic human rights appalls them. With most of the Warrior Council on their side, Cináed’s supporters rescue Cináed and Tadeo from the priests' courtroom and disperse the Council of Priests. But the priests regroup, determined to keep control and destroy Cináed and Tadeo and along with it their “insane” notions of equality for all.

'Eye of Scota' is not just another science fiction story where space travelers from an advanced society swoop in and change everything. There's a twist on this theme. Tadeo helps Cináed bring about change by restoring the “old ways”, putting the civilization back on its original track. If you like supernatural adventure combined with romance and steamy manlove, you will also enjoy reading 'Eye of Scota' and accompanying Cináed and the others of Dalriata in their quest to preserve their heritage. Thanks, Serena, for a real intergalactic adventure.    



Source: http://www.rainbowbookreviews.com/book-reviews/eye-of-scota-dalriata-1-by-serena-yates-at-dsp-publications

Forbidden Soul (Soul Readers #2) by Natasha Duncan-Drake

Forbidden Soul - Natasha Duncan-Drake

'The Forbidden Soul’ by Natasha Duncan-Drake is the second book in her ‘Soul Reader’ series. In the first story, 'Forgotten Soul', she introduces John and Michael, delightful characters, who, under very unusual circumstances, become a couple. This story picks up from where the first one ended with the question being now that they're out of danger, where do they go from here?

While contemplating their dilemma, Michael convinces John that he needs to reconnect with his family. John is uncomfortable with the idea, but decides to give it a try. They are completely honest with his family about everything that's happened, including the fact Michael is a vampire and John is a soul reader. Happily, John's family welcomes them with open arms. They have missed John so much that all they are concerned with is that John is alive and obviously happy with Michael. Unfortunately for John, getting out of the soul reading business is kind of like trying to quit being a part of the mob. They're not happy with the circumstances under which John left their organization. John and Michael have some dark days ahead, but one thing they know for sure is that whatever comes they will face it together.

'Forbidden Soul' isn't a standalone book and must be read sequentially; otherwise it won't make sense. If you like unusual stories with interesting, distinctive characters, with some hot vampire sex, then this book may be for you. Thanks, Natasha! Will we get to see these guys again?




Source: http://www.rainbowbookreviews.com/book-reviews/forbidden-soul-soul-reader-2-by-natasha-duncan-drake-at-wittegen-press'The Forbidden Soul’ by Natasha Duncan-Drake is the second book in her ‘Soul Reader’ series. In the first story, 'Forgotten Soul', she int

Murderous Requiem by Jamie Fessenden

Murderous Requiem - Jamie Fessenden

Have you ever had a compulsion to do something even though you strongly suspect that it won't turn out well? When Jeremy Spencer of 'Murderous Requiem' by Jamie Fessenden is offered an opportunity to study and translate what could be the find of the century, there's no way he can turn it down. Jeremy knows that returning to the organization which, at one time, meant everything to him, will conjure up all kinds of demons, but even this doesn't dissuade him. He's willing to take the risk, not just for the prestige he can acquire, but for the sheer joy of being able to translate a musical document which few people had even seen.

When Jeremy decided to leave the order, he left his heart there with Bowyn, the love of his life. He knows that going back will dredge up all the old feelings both good and bad. It's a constant struggle for Jeremy to maintain his balance while indulging in the temple's liberal life-style. In some ways, it's as if he never left; in others, he's painfully reminded of his reasons for not staying. His relationship with Bowyn, or the dissolution of it, is what hurts the most. Jeremy makes the decision to be with Bowyn in every sense of the word while he's there even though he knows he will leave heartbroken and despondent.

Besides the fact that he's promiscuous, there's an aura of serenity, intelligence, and understanding around Bowyn. He's obviously still very much in love with Jeremy and is elated at having him back even if for a little while. He's irresistible in so many ways and guides Jeremy back into the rituals and hierarchy of the Order which Jeremy, like it or not, slips into with little difficulty. Jeremy can't pass up being Bowyn's lover again anymore than he can resist a chance to work with the document, regardless of the consequences. His only reservation about being back at the temple surrounds a young man named Christopher, who from the beginning haunts him. He's not at all sure that Christopher belongs there in such a morally loose atmosphere since he's been abused, but everyone there assures him that Christopher is fine and he's where he wants to be. When Christopher was introduced into the story, I could feel that he was a tragic figure, not in control of his life. He is a lost soul who comes to the Temple with great expectations of becoming more proficient in the teachings and practices of the occult, but there is s foreboding aura around him. He may look and sing like an angel, but underneath lies a lot of darkness.

Seth, leader of the group, is handsome, charismatic, megalomaniacal, highly-sexed, overbearing, self-righteous, and a self-serving individual. He excels at persuasion and manipulation. Like many people with these characteristics, his perception of the world is focused solely on what he deems important, regardless of the consequences. He loves Jeremy and Bowyn, as much as his definition of love allows, but is more interested in what they can do for him, as he is with everyone else. He's an end justifies the means individual, obsessed with maintaining complete control. Seth made me sad because if the power hadn't gone to his head, he would have been an important part of the Brethren rather than a detriment. 

There are several other outstanding supporting characters who greatly contribute to moving the plot forward. They are also very instrumental in portraying life at the Temple and assist in the complex ideologies involved in the framework provided. It's a unique place, removed in so many ways from the real world. As Jeremy told one of the initiates: “People often do things at the Temple that they wouldn’t dream of doing anywhere else.” As disconcerting as it may seem, there are cults and other ideological groups who, even today, continue to practice ceremonial magick, cast spells, use symbols, and so much more. This story is not as far fetched as some people would like to believe. It's a lot to take in. Fortunately, I have a background in mystical things, so I appreciated the amount of effort and research Jamie must have done to at least familiarize us with a general idea of what is happening. He also left enough room for us to use our imaginations to decide what we want to believe and what we can reject. One thing which it reinforced in my mind was that it's at best dark and dangerous to dabble in things we don't know enough about. The outcome could be more disastrous than we could ever imagine and there's no going back once the intent is released. I, for one, am not willing to take the chance.

I'd recommend this book to anyone who enjoys dark, mysterious stories full of otherworldly possibilities. This is not light reading by any means. It's a story which will make you think and one you will want to read and absorb. It's also a story which is full of suspense, music, mystery, intrigue, and alternative ideas. It will keep you guessing until the end.  Thank you, Jamie, for the brilliant, thought provoking, educational journey into the occult.

Source: http://www.rainbowbookreviews.com/book-reviews/murderous-requiem-the-brethren-1-by-jamie-fessenden-at-dsp-publications

Rusic Memory (Rustic #2) by Nic Starr

Rustic Memory - Nic Starr, Book Cover By Design

“When you choose to let go, you discover more about who you are and what you want out of life, and then you go for it!” ~ Chinonye J. Chidolue

Tyler Samuels has had his share of grief and heartbreak. He has loved and lost not only once, but twice in his life. After losing his second lover, Tyler decides he needs a new start and buys the Central Hotel in his hometown of Armidale. His family and friends are puzzled by his decision to come back to a place that holds so much heartache for him, but he tells them he's there to put some ghosts to rest and begin again. Tyler has sworn never to fall in love again, but finds that he's lonely. When he runs into Mac, the younger brother of a friend, his good intentions go out the window, at least temporarily.

Mac has had a crush on Tyler since he was a boy and is surprised how strong the attraction still is. Under the guise of helping Tyler settle back in, he introduces him to friends Tyler hasn't met before and helps reacquaint him with people he knows like Mac's parents. Mac's parents surprise Tyler when they welcome him with open arms. Tyler thought there would be more negativity thrown his way because of how he was treated before he left. However, a lot of time has passed and people's attitudes and opinions are more open now than they were fifteen years ago.

Tyler is grateful to Mac for making him feel welcome, but tells him that he wants the sex, but doesn't want a relationship. Mac is disappointed and a bit hurt, but being the decent man he is, Mac tries to honor Tyler's request. They decide they will be friends with benefits, but Mac's idea of friendship and Tyler's are not the same. Mac doesn't normally do casual sex but that's all that Tyler seems to want. Because of his physical attraction, Mac ends up in bed with Tyler, but instead of bringing them closer, it seems to put even more distance between them. Even if they aren't in a committed relationship, Mac still expects to be treated with respect. Mac's feelings get hurt when Tyler brushes him off, treating him like the hired help instead of even acknowledging their friendship. Tyler later apologizes, but continues to swing back and forth between wanting to be with Mac and pushing him away. Mac is confused and hurt. He wants a relationship with Tyler and he doesn't know what to do. When Tyler tells Mac that he can't even handle any kind of relationship, Mac has had it. He gives up on trying to read Tyler's mind and tries his best not to associate with him at all.

This story is well written and it was good to see some of the characters from the first book in the series, but it didn't grab me like the first one did. I absolutely loved Mac and couldn't help but feel indignant about the way Tyler treated him. I know Tyler had his reasons, that he'd been hurt before, but it still seemed to be part of his basic personality; when things get tough, he runs. I never understood why Tyler would leave his home, career, and life to go back to a place that already held so many bad memories, in the guise of starting over. I didn't dislike Tyler, I understood that he didn't want to be hurt again, but it seemed to me that he was deliberately putting himself in a place to be hurt and, in this case, to hurt others. Instead of embracing what was obviously a third chance, in his case, regardless of what he said, he was holding on to the pain and anger, sabotaging any chance he had of a happy future and ensuring that Mac wouldn't have one either. I wanted to smack him upside the head and show him how selfish he was being. Perhaps if I knew more about Tyler and his relationship with his partner in Sydney, I would have had more sympathy for him. In any case, one of the main purposes of a book is to make you feel, and this story did exactly that. If you like stories about handsome Aussie men, letting go of the past, embracing the future, and finding yourself, then you may enjoy this book. Thanks, Nic, for the interesting, thought-provoking story.



Source: http://www.rainbowbookreviews.com/book-reviews/rustic-memory-rustic-2-by-nic-starr

'Rustic Melody' (Rustic #1) Nic Starr

Rustic Melody - Nic Starr, Book Cover by Design

“Don't let other people choose your path for you. Deep down you know the right way to go, so do the right thing and follow your heart.” ~ Unknown

Adam Chambers loves music, but country isn't particularly his first choice When he hears about a Country Music Jamboree he decides to go. Adam is on a slightly aimless journey to decide if he wants to continue working with his father's somewhat shady business, or do something more fulfilling. When he meets Joey Callaway, he begins to see why he was so drawn to the festival.

Joey is at the festival on holiday because he needs time off from his grueling job of managing a hotel and a bar. He and Adam meet up at one of the local bars, just drinking and casually talking, but having a delightful time. The sexual attraction is there, but there's something even stronger as well. It's a feeling of contentment and ease neither usually have. Adam enjoys being with Joey because he can be himself. Joey doesn't make demands or expect anything in return. Joey is honest and open; there isn't a pretentious bone in his body. It's refreshing. Joey likes Adam for the same reason; he can relax and be himself. When Joey realizes that Adam has nowhere to stay, he offers to share his room. Adam graciously accepts his generous offer and just like that they are roommates. Once they establish that they are both gay, they experience a very passionate, yet genuine experience that involves sharing more than just a bed. The Festival is exceedingly more fun with someone to share it with. Things are going very well until Joey gets a call that his mother has fallen and he leaves Adam to rush back to her. Joey's departure is so sudden, he's unsure of where to leave things with Adam so he decides the best thing to do is to be casual about it, to exchange phone numbers and invite Adam to visit Joey's town. Although Adam promises do so, Joey sadly figures he'll never see him again.

A week or so later, Joey is stunned to see Adam come through his bar door and even more surprised when Adam tells him that he's there because missed Joey so much. Joey has missed Adam too although he doesn't tell Adam just how much. As different as it is for Adam, he begins to realize he actually enjoys being in Joey's home town and he's even more sure about how much he enjoys being with Joey. Their intimacy deepens, but Joey holds on to his heart because he's convinced Adam would never want to stay with someone as boring as he is. He tries to ignore all the signs that he and Adam are perfect together and that he is in love with Adam. After some soul-searching, Adam admits, at least to himself, that he loves Joey and doesn't want to leave. However, before he can do anything about it, Adam's decision is made for him when his father has a heart attack and Adam has to leave Joey and return to Sydney.

This is an endearing love story set in Australia, giving it a more exotic feeling, at least to us not in Australia. The characters are wonderfully developed and admirable. Adam, with his conviction to live and work honestly, and Joey's 'realness' and charm, make their relationship even stronger. The secondary characters, especially Joey's mother and Adam's grandmother, are wealths of wisdom, whose advice help Adam and Joey sort out their priorities and decide what's best for themselves. If you enjoy a story with country music festivals, bars, handsome Aussie men, Aussie slang, hot sexual encounters, small towns, character growth, determination, and a happy ending, then you may like this book. Thanks, Nic, for a great story with two lovable men who are easy to admire.



Source: http://www.rainbowbookreviews.com/book-reviews/rustic-melody-rustic-1-by-nic-starr

The Spencer Cohen Series Book#2 by NR Walker

Spencer Cohen (Spencer Cohen #2) - N.R. Walker


“I made a promise to myself; I'd never Trust someone again...I quit believing that someone could really care...And then there was you. Like an angel you just suddenly appeared, sent to me with a love so true that it could make up for the lies and wasted years...And there was you." ~ Trace Adkins -'And Then There Was You'

Spencer, of 'Spencer Cohen Book Two' by N.R. Walker, held in his feelings of rejection and heartache for years, finally deciding no one would ever love him. Spencer thinks he has his feelings under control until he meets Andrew. After that, Spencer's well-constructed walls start to crumble. Andrew is so perfect for him it hurts. When Spencer realizes that he has done his job too well because Andrew is going back to his old boyfriend, Spencer's emotional dam breaks; he's completely gutted. In the midst of his tears, Spencer looks up and sees Andrew standing in the doorway, but he is too overwrought to deal with what that might mean. The next morning Spencer wakes up with an epic hangover. He figures that any chance he may have had to keep Andrew is crushed for sure now that he has seen him at his worst; but Spencer is underestimating Andrew's loyalty.

When Spencer finally makes it downstairs, Andrew is still there, in deep conversation with Spencer's friend, Emilio, who has been trying his best to convince Andrew that this is not normal behavior for Spencer and, in fact, Emilio has only seen him wasted one other time. Truthfully, Andrew doesn't need any convincing. Andrew may not have known Spencer long, but he knows him well enough to understand what's normal for him. Spencer is humiliated by the whole experience, but in some ways he's also relieved. Spencer and Andrew return to his apartment and he bares his soul and Andrew does the same. Spencer figures if he wants a true relationship with Andrew, he owes him a total explanation. After a long discussion, they decide to give it a go, with the stipulation that they proceed honestly and slowly. They also decide on no penetrative sex for a while. However, this rule doesn't apply to any other kind of sexual expression, allowing for some very steamy, intimate activity between them. The closer they get, the more certain Andrew and Spencer are that they want to be together.

When Spencer obtains a new client for his pretend-boyfriend business job, he and Andrew have a long discussion and Andrew tells Spencer that he can't help being a little jealous, but he doesn't want to change Spencer in any way. This assignment is different from any Spencer had before. His client, Lance, doesn't want him to pose as his boyfriend, he only wants Spencer to find his ex, Yanni. Lance tells Spencer that Yanni's parents have barred him from seeing Yanni. Spencer has his suspicions, but agrees to take the case, if for no other reason than he's concerned that Yanni may be in some kind of trouble. Spencer starts his search, but Yanni is especially difficult to locate; Yanni has quit his job, left his school, and has moved, leaving no forwarding address. It's clearly apparent that Yanni doesn't want to be found. For this reason, Spencer proceeds with extreme caution. Spencer decides to find Yanni first, before he informs Lance about his progress in the search. Before he reveals Yanni's whereabouts, Spencer wants to make sure it's a safe thing to do.

Spencer and Andrew are distinct characters with hearts of gold. They're close, possibly tied, with Travis and Charlie, from N.R.'s 'The Red Dirt Heart' series They are easier to love because they have baggage but they haven't let it debilitate them to the point that Charlie has. Spencer and Andrew appreciate each other at a deeper level than most couples are capable of. Their witty banter is hilarious and adds a special levity, while also showing their creative personalities. Spencer and Andrew are compassionate, nurturing men who deserve to be happy. This is the second book in a series. It will be more enjoyable if the books are read in order. I have little doubt that fans of the series will love this book. If you are new to the series and enjoy a sexy, fulfilling love story, with sexy men, an Australian accent, interesting wardrobe choices, intrigue, and a happy ending, then you will love this story. Thanks so much, N.R. I'm so in love with Spencer and Andrew.








Source: http://www.rainbowbookreviews.com/book-reviews/spencer-cohen-book-2-by-nr-walker-at-blueheart-press

'A Tested Love' (Men of Apollo #2) by Kayla Jameth

A Tested Love (Spartan Love Book 2) - Kayla Jameth

“For anything worth having one must pay the price; and the price is always work, patience, love, self-sacrifice...” ~ John Burroughs

Andreas, of 'A Tested Love' by Kayla Jameth, believed Theron when he said he would come back to him. When Theron doesn't keep his promise, Andreas is despondent and feels like a fool for trusting him. At first, he worries that Theron is dying or already dead, but as time goes on, he accepts the harsh truth. Theron probably went back to his men and will soon forget about Andreas altogether. Broken-hearted, Andreas returns to his solitary life and tries to put Theron out of his mind and heart.

Theron tries to resume his former life, convinced that Andreas will soon forget him and is safer without Theron around. No matter how hard he tries, memories of their times together haunt Theron; he misses Andreas with an intensity hardly fathomable, much less for a kryptes. When Theron is given his first mission to 'eliminate' certain Helots who are deemed to be revolutionaries, Theron is shocked to find that Andreas's name is on his list. Apparently, his ploy to keep Andreas safe has not worked. In fact, it's put him directly in the line of fire. Theron accepts his assignment with as little emotional reaction as possible, but inside he is torn apart. Theron wrestles with the situation, going back and forth in his mind, but he sees no other solution; Theron has to kill Andreas. He goes to Andreas's with the intent of doing so as humanely as possible, but when he sees Andreas, he knows that there is no way he can go through with it. Theron knows if he doesn't get Andreas to safety, others will come to finish the job. No longer trusting Theron, but having no choice, Andreas and Ictics, his ferret, begin a journey out of Spartan territory.

During their trip, Andreas and Theron are faced with a multitude of emotional battles as they decide whether or not it's even possible to rebuild trust in each other again, but neither can deny their strong attraction to the other. They second-guess themselves and each other as they struggle not only with their feelings, but their mind-set. What they have always believed to be true suddenly isn't. If they're to remain together, they have to learn to see themselves as men rather than as master and slave like they have always been taught. Since knowing Andreas, Theron can never think of other Helots as anything besides men, therefore making it impossible for him to kill indiscriminately as he did before. Coincidentally Andreas, having tasted the freedom he has with Theron, can never go back to the inferior attitude he had of himself before knowing Theron. They are changed men no longer fitting into their preconceived notions of who they were and what they believed in the past. As Theron and Andreas adapt to their new ways of thinking, they also have to alter the way they look at one another and how to respond to each other if they have any chance of creating a true bond of love, trust, and forgiveness.

There's a lot more to this epic story, but I can't fit it all in the review. Andreas and Theron have an enormous amount of work to do on their relationship. The men need to decide if they are capable of altering their entire life paths and forge one together. Itcis, the ferret, creates a good bridge between Andreas and Theron, bringing them together when needed and adding some comic relief, because if anything, ferrets know how to mix things up. There's also a very useful and informative section after the story that provides histories of gods’ and goddesses’ genealogy, adventures, and celebrations, along with definitions and customs of ancient Greece. Thanks, Kayla, for a great second book in the series. I look forward to the next edition.

Source: http://www.rainbowbookreviews.com/book-reviews/a-tested-love-a-spartan-love-2-by-kayla-jameth-at-dreamspinner-press

Spoken from the Heart by Jane Davitt

Spoken from the Heart - Jane Davitt

The show must go on is a saying that everyone has heard, but that only performers truly understand. Julian from 'Spoken from the Heart' by Jane Davitt attempts to explain this to his friend, Alex: “The play, the performance, the audience going home satisfied -- that is what counts. It's all that counts. You'll learn that, you'll live and breathe the truth of it, or you'll never fit in.” Julian may live and breathe theatre, but when he's faced with a real life situation, he has to reevaluate its importance.

Julian is a bit of a rogue with a heart of gold. He's flamboyant, vain, and affected. Julian frequently recites lines from plays to help him mask what he feels, using their words instead of having to find his own. Even in his thoughts, Julian constantly weighs his decisions by how others will react, feeling as if he has a certain image to portray. Julian is also generous to a fault even giving to those who he knows will take advantage of him and never pay him back. He's also considerate and nurturing. He not only goes way out of his comfort zone to help rescue Alex, but also refuses to simply dump him back into a situation he's obviously not prepared to deal with. Instead, Julian generously takes Alex under his wing and invites him to live with him. Julian and Alex butt heads all the time, but their hearts are in agreement, even if their words can't express it.

Alex is an absolute delight—young, unassuming, honest, and, unless provoked, extremely polite. Unlike Julian, he's quick to act on his feelings and doesn't care what people think. To Alex, if it's how he feels, he says so, sometimes loudly and with great fervor. Alex may have been raised with country wisdom, but he is not a fool. He sees what's going on around him, although he may not always understand it. He knows Julian loves him even before Julian can admit it to himself. Alex and Julian are so different that sometimes they just have to agree to disagree. Yet, in essence, what they both need is someone they can love with a passion which matches their conviction.

The world building in this story is imaginative and well thought out. Even though it feels like we're in Elizabethan England, the Realm is actually a world of its own with different speech, customs, religion, and inventions. The elements of this alternative world are close enough to feel familiar, while different enough to be entertaining. It may be a fantasy without castles or dragons, but the story has a magic all of its own. I thoroughly enjoyed this story and recommend it to anyone with a romantic spirit who may be captivated by an alternate time and place. A world different from ours in many respects, but also the same as ours, where love is always spoken from the heart. Thanks, Jane, for the great reading adventure.




Source: http://www.rainbowbookreviews.com/book-reviews/spoken-from-the-heart-by-jane-davitt-at-torquere-press

'Smack Happy' by Clare London

Smack Happy (With A Kick Book 7) - Clare London
















Genre Gay / Contemporary / BDSM / Romance
Reviewed by Lena Grey on 06-March-2016




Phiz can’t always control his hyperactivity and propensity for chaos. But he no longer has to feel marginalised because of it, not now he has Bryan for a friend and lover. Bryan’s calm, ordered attitude is the perfect foil for Phiz: and Bryan’s private desire for kink is just what Phiz needs to keep him grounded. This Valentine’s Day, Phiz wants to give Bryan a special gift, but Bryan can’t be tempted away from his work. At least, not until he opens Phiz’s gift and realises love means… taking time away to play.



Authors Note: Bryan and Phiz first met in the book “Slap and Tickle”, one of a series of romance novellas based around the alcoholic ice cream shop in Soho called With A Kick. A joint-authored project with Sue Brown, each story has a self-contained romance, and follows the history of the shop throughout.







Phiz, of 'Smack Happy' by Clare London, is acting a lot like the energizer bunny on speed while he impatiently waits for Bryan to finish his work. Bryan isn't much on presents, but Phiz, so happy to have a Valentine, can hardly wait to show him this very special gift.

Bryan, usually so organized, tries to accommodate Phiz's enthusiasm when he can, but presently, he wants to finish the letter he is working on so he can put aside his work for the evening. After that he will be able to give Phiz his full attention. Bryan tries to ignore Phiz wearing out his floorboards as he paces back and forth. This only serves to slow Bryan down even more because Phiz is a force of nature when he wants something. Phiz rambles on reminding Bryan of how their lives were before they got together and how much they have helped each other; Phiz helping Bryan find his “wilder side” and Bryan helping Phiz reach a modicum of calmness when he needs to slow down and pay attention. Together they have created a “cocoon” of sorts wherein they can love each other in ways that are significant and fulfilling. Finally, Bryan hears Phiz's real reason for seemingly being so annoying - his desire to give back some of the love Bryan has given him, but it's not totally Bryan's pleasure he's got in mind. When Bryan opens the gift, it becomes quite clear that they are going to have a “smack happy” Valentine's evening.

This is a short but touching and amusing Valentine's story for Phiz and Bryan that all fans of the series will enjoy. It could be read alone, but the real significance of the gift and the lovers is lost unless you have read all of the stories and see the connection between Phiz and Bryan before and after their relationship. If you want a clever, entertaining Valentine's tale with two eccentric but wonderful men, you might like this story. Thanks, Clare, for another witty, charming addition to the series.


Source: http://www.rainbowbookreviews.com/book-reviews/smack-happy-with-a-kick-7-by-clare-london-at-jocular-press

The Spencer Cohen Series Book#1 by NR Walker

Spencer Cohen (Spencer Cohen #1) - N.R. Walker

“All this time I've waited for someone to kiss away the pain, to give me inspiration, how to start to live again…and then there was you and everything changed... I knew that I'd be okay...” ~ Jesse Y Joy - 'And Then There Was You'

I truly believe that Fate has a sense of humor. Often, it seems to pick the oddest possible circumstances to make things happen. Spencer Cohen of 'Spencer Cohen' by N.R. Walker would definitely agree with me concerning how he meets Andrew Landon. Spencer is a professional dater whose goal is to go out with men who want to entice their exes to come back to them. This is accomplished by being seen in public with Spencer and reminding them what they are missing, hopefully making them jealous. Andrew's sister sets up the transaction, but as soon as Spencer sees Andrew, he knows he's in trouble; Andrew is everything Spencer has ever dreamed of in a partner.

Spencer knows this is just a job and he should not get emotionally involved, but his attraction to Andrew is making it difficult. Besides that, Spencer is not sure that reuniting Andrew with his ex is the best move. The more Spencer learns about Andrew's ex, the bigger the fool he seems to be. As Spencer gets closer to Andrew, he knows that Andrew deserves better. Spencer asks himself, who in their right mind could turn down this handsome, talented, artistic man, who is full of surprisingly eclectic interests? How could his ex possibly have thought Andrew was boring? Spencer's “dates” with Andrew end up being far more frequent than necessary and he finds that he wants to be with Andrew more than he ever has any other client. This surprises his friends and clues them in to the fact that Andrew is far more than a typical client; this elicits “you deserve to be happy too” lectures from his friends. Also, Andrew has never introduced any of his other clients to his friends, nor has he brought any back to his place just to hang out. There appears to be a lot of rule breaking in Andrew's case. The closer Spencer gets to the date that will confirm whether Andrew will get back together with his ex, the more despondent Spencer becomes; but he's being paid to make it happen and is determined to see it through.

Andrew isn't sure of Spencer in the beginning. With his hip way of dressing and speaking, he figures his ex will never buy that someone like Spencer would be interested in him; but he goes along with the plan to make his ex jealous. As Andrew begins to see himself through Spencer's eyes, he gains more self-confidence. He begins to enjoy Spencer's company and wants to be with him more than as just a client. Although Spencer is nothing but professional, Andrew can see the spark of interest in his eyes. After a while, Andrew almost forgets why he's with Spencer. Andrew begins to realize that his ex is wrong about him being boring and predictable because Spencer has shown him that he is anything but. Andrew is not so sure he wants his ex back at all! He's beginning to think that who he wants just might be Spencer instead of his ex. When the big night comes, they act out an elaborate show which becomes even more convincing when Spencer dives in for “the big kiss” and Andrew reciprocates. His ex is appropriately unsettled and, as they are leaving, grabs Andrew by the arm and tells him they need to talk. Andrew goes with him, leaving Spencer with a hollow feeling of success.  He's accomplished his goal, whether or not that's what he wants.

As I started writing this review, I was thinking about what makes N.R.’s books so magical. Other than the superb storytelling and excellent writing, I came to the conclusion that it's her characters. There are always those little details that hook me in like Spencer's 'Australianisms and his “lumbersexual hipster” look, or Andrew, who appears to be perfectly traditional, yet loves obscure music and is a talented artist. N.R.’s characters usually endear themselves to me right away, making me laugh when they are happy and cry when they are sad. If you like Australian accents, tattoos, artistic, devastatingly handsome young men, deception, and gaining a new perspective, then you may enjoy this story. Thanks, N.R., for bringing Spencer and Andrew together. I look forward to the next story in the series.



Source: http://www.rainbowbookreviews.com/book-reviews/spencer-cohen-book-1-by-nr-walker-at-blueheart-press

Mood Indigo by Ken Bachtold

Mood Indigo - Ken Bachtold

“You ain't never been blue till you've had that mood indigo. That feeling goes stealing right down to my shoe, while I just sit here and sigh... I'm just a poor fool that's bluer than blue can be, when I get that mood indigo, I could lay me down and die.” ~ Duke Ellington

When Bill Ward, of 'Mood Indigo' by Ken Batchtold, wakes up in the hospital, he can't remember anything, not even his name. Having no choice, he takes it day by day. He soon realizes that, although there are no memories he can call upon, he hasn't forgotten the skills he's learned and eventually gets a decent job as a book keeper. Even with the new friends he makes at his apartment building, Bill is lonely. He wanders into a jazz club one night, The Treble Clef, just to relax after a stressful day. Bill orders an Old Fashioned by instinct and settles at a table to listen to the band. Johnny Desmond, part-owner and band leader notices him and they lock eyes. Johnny is compelled to play 'Mood Indigo', and old blues song, because that's the way Bill looks, bluer than blue. When their eyes meet, it ignites a spark between them that almost scares Bill to death; he immediately gets up and runs out of the bar.

Bill tries to bury himself in his work, but can’t get The Treble Clef or Johnny out of his mind. He decides that if he doesn’t go back, it would drive him crazy, so one night after a long day at work, Bill returns. He sits at a table, drinking and listening to the music. When Johnny sees him, once again, he starts playing 'Mood Indigo'.  Bill and Johnny exchange looks until Bill can't stand the tension any longer and leaves while Johnny gets distracted so he doesn't see Bill go. In a conversation with his friends, Bill finally admits that he is attracted to another man.  He's also afraid of making any kind of commitment for fear that the person he was is drastically different from the one he is now. His friends try to convince Bill that people don't change that much and, if he really likes Johnny, he shouldn't let that keep him from pursuing him. In the meantime, Johnny's ex-boyfriend, Brad, comes back to cause trouble saying he made a mistake and wants Johnny back. Johnny tells Brad he doesn't love him anymore and doesn't want him back. Brad doesn't believe him but leaves for now, telling Johnny it isn't over because he always gets what he wants.

After his conversation with his friends, Bill is drawn back to The Treble Clef. Once again, Johnny plays 'Mood Indigo' for him. Things are going well until Bill's insecurities catch up with him and he tries to leave. This time, Johnny runs after him, puzzled but intrigued as well. He catches up with Bill and they go to a park to talk. Bill and Johnny talk a while about their reactions to each other and Bill's amnesia. They exchange contact information and agree to meet at the club sometime soon. Bill’s friends from his apartment building are anxious to hear about their encounter and he explains what happened. When Bill is alone again, all his doubts comes back and he decides to avoid Johnny. After encouragement from Gil, Johnny gets tired of waiting and takes matters into his own hands. Johnny has Bill's address, so he goes to find him. Bill's friends are delighted he's come and invite him for tea. This gives them the opportunity to get to know him. About that time, Bill comes downstairs. He's astonished to see Johnny. His friends give them time to talk. Bill and Johnny decide they will go forward with their relationship, but do so slowly. Bill and Johnny grow closer all the time. Then a dreadful phone call comes with Gil, Johnny's best friend, telling Bill that Johnny's ex-boyfriend has kidnapped him from the club at gunpoint and seemed extremely unstable. Bill rushes to the club to help Gil formulate a plan to free Johnny. Gill has a good idea where Brad has taken Johnny, so they rush to the location. When they arrive, they know they have to proceed with extreme caution. In Brad's mental state, they don't want to spook Brad or it could all end in disaster.

This is a good story, written in alternating point of views, with each chapter clearly indicating who is speaking. It's good to know what both men are thinking. The secondary characters, Johnny's best friend, Gil and Bill's neighbors and good friends are awesome. They added lots of depth and were wonderful in supporting Bill and Johnny. Bill's dreams were a good way of presenting Bill's subconscious mind at work. If you like stories about amnesia, Jazz, night clubs, second chances, drama, and angst, then you might enjoy this story. Thanks, Ken, for bringing Bill and Johnny to life and for the jazz history lesson as well.

Source: http://www.rainbowbookreviews.com/book-reviews/mood-indigo-by-ken-bachtold-at-dreamspinner-press